Our Stories

Sandra's Story

My name is Sandra Skoda-Whipple and I live in Salinas, California, which is near Monterey. I lost my mother when I was 35 (8 years ago). My mother was my dearest and best friend; we did everything together; shopping, lunch, sharing. We went everywhere together and when separated called each other quite often. When she died so suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack, I was devastated. I felt as though a part of me had died as well. It really hit me very hard last year when I got married. She wasn't there to share in all the pre-wedding plans, I didn't have her there to see me marry the man she had loved as a son. She wasn't there to help me set up my household. The pain is sometimes so intense, it hurts as much as the day she died. I still have my father and a brother and I have grown closer to my dad, but now he is facing surgery and I am terrified of losing him. I feel very vulnerable and as a Christian, I have prayed to God and He has helped me, but the pain is still there. Will it be there all my life? How can I view pictures of my mother without sobbing? How can I remember her without pain? My husband is very understanding as he lost his mother at 21. But I need to hear from other women as to how to deal with this. I feel so lost sometimes.

© Sandra Skoda-Whipple

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