Our Stories

Mary's Story

I just joined and I wanted to thank all of you for sharing your stories. My mom died 11 years ago. I was 18 and it was the summer after my first year in college. I'm 29 now, about to turn 30 in October. My brother lives across the country in California, all my grandparents are deceased, and my dad and I are not close, so I often feel alone.

I have a son who was born in November. He is the light of my life. I have been going through a difficult time, though, without having my mother here. It's always been hard, but it seems to only get harder. Going through pregnancy and childbirth, there were so many times I just wanted her to hold me, to stroke my hair and tell me everything was going to be okay.

Sometimes I'll stand him up on my dresser so he can look in the mirror. I have several framed pictures of her on the dresser. Once in a while he'll glance at them, and you can see him studying the woman in the pictures. And I say, "That's Grandma." The hardest thing is knowing that he will never know her -- that she'll be one of those people he hears stories about, one of those people who have been dead and gone forever, when in my mind she is so very much alive.

Only other motherless daughters understand that it doesn't get any easier. You just keep living, experiencing different times in your life when you miss her. The grief gets comfortable, it gets familiar, but it never really goes away.

I thank God for this site. I am glad there are people out there who understand what I'm talking about. Please feel free to email me if you want to talk directly. Thanks again to you all.

© Mary

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