Our Stories

Liz's Story

On September 20, 1996 (Not quite 7 months since my father died) my mom collapsed in a parking lot while getting into her car. Her friend immediatly started CPR until the paramedics got there. She settled into a coma, where she would rest for the next 7 days. I was 10. I have two older brothers and we were waiting for our mom to come home and make dinner, normally if she was going to be late, she call and have one of us kids make dinner. So we sat, and we waited. I guess my mom collapsed around 4 p.m. It wasn't until about 9 p.m. that someone bothered to call us kids and tell us there was a problem. It was a friend of my mom's that called. It seems that my family had forgotten about us, because by the time us kids got the call... EVERYONE in town knew about my mom. My mom was in a coma for 7 days... I saw her twice. I later talked to my cousin who said she saw my mom about everyday while she was in a coma. It seemed everyone in my family was so caught up in themselves that they didn't think that my mom's own children would want to see her. Sometime in those 7 days, it was determined that my mom was brain dead due to a blood overload... and her heart had been over worked. Her heart had beaten so fast that it literally blew itself up. If she did come out of her coma she would be a vegetable. Her will was also found, and in it she had expressed her desire not to be kept alive on life-support, so they "pulled the plug" and my mom lived about 2 days on her own. She died on September 27, 1996, at around 2:30, My brothers and I didn't find out until about nine o'clock that night... at our school's homecoming football game. VERY poor planning on my family's behalf. Since my mom's death, I have been shipped off to live at four different houses... because my mom's little brother... my legal gaurdian, didn't want to deal with me. He also managed to drain our trust fund, and spend every ounce of our social security income we got on a monthly basis, he also put us kids under his health insurance, and denied Medicare. I finally got sick of it and filed for Emancipation... I won, and I graduated High School a year early, from my fifth high school... no thanks to my uncle(legal gaurdian) the only thing that I can't seem to un-do is the medicare. I was told I am still eligable for it, because I'm still an orphan.. If anyone knows anything about that, I'd love to hear from you!

© Liz

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