Our Stories

Karen's Story

My name is Karen and my mom has been dead for 11 years. This year was a hard year since the days of the week were the same as the year that she died. I am the youngest of five. My brothers are 9, 11, 12, & 14 years older than I am. My Dad had wanted a girl from the time that Mom and Dad got married so I guess they kept trying till I arrived.

Mom had a heart condition and the doctor had told us about 18 months before she died that her death would be instant and there was nothing that we could do. Dad had Breathing problems with COPD so I was the care giver. We put Dad in the hospital on a Saturday evening. I was house sitting so when I came home the next morning I found Mom. She had had a massive heart attack shortly after I had left. My Dad died six months later and a brother six months after Dad. 1994 -1995 were tough years.

Each year I try to read Motherless Daughters in the month of May. I have really enjoy the book and each year that I read it I find something new to think about.

© Karen

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