Our Stories

Jackie's Story

Hi everyone my name is Jackie and i am 17 years old. Just ten months ago on April 6th 2004 my mother was taken away. She had abdominal cancer. I remember as if everything happened yesterday and i think of what happened everyday. It was March 2003 I was 15 years old when my mother had come home. She came up the stairs and told me to call my brother and ask him to come. When he got home she brought us in to my room and asked us to sit down. She sat in front of us and told us that the doctor had found that she had cancer. I can still hear those words and i will never forget them. Tears came down my face and she held me and told me that everything would be okay she would be having surgery and the cancer would soon be gone. I believed her and the following week she had surgery and soon she went throught chemo and radiation. In July i turned 16 and my mother was finally recovering. I thought things were just getting better when my mom went back for a check up and when she came home she told us that the doctor had found more cancer cells but they would go away with radiation. Only this time it was to late she was about 100 pounds and she was not strong enough. In January 2004 she went in to the hospital. She came home for one day in February but went back the next morning. February passed and in March my mother was barely herself. She couldn't walk on her own or even get out of bad she was about 70 pounds at this point and she could barely speak. Just the month before she was calling every five minutes from the hospital wondering what we were doing.Now she couldn't even hold the phone up it was to heavy. In March she came home and that night i sat in her room to talk to her and she told me that she was sorry that she had tried so hard to live for me and my brother but she couldn't try anymore she was tired and she didn't have the strength. "I know that i am dying and i'm sorry. If i could leave you half my heart i would but i cant. I just can't fight anymore" that was what she told me and i cried and begged her not to go. Then my aunt came in with a piece of paper that said if my mother passed away i would live with my aunt. My mom signed the Will. I couldnt' believe it. My mom went back that same night she couldn't be at home she needed so much attention and care that we could not provide. Later that week the doctor told me and my brother that my mom had a month at the most to live. We went to see my mom and i cried to her and told her i loved her. Not even two weeks passed and on April 6th she was gone. Just the day before i sat on her bed and i told her it was okay for her to go. That i was prepared for what was coming and that i would be strong and that she could go to heaven now. I told her i loved her and she opened her eyes and struggled to say i love you to. I walked out the door and turned to look at her and smiled. That night i went to bed and the next morning went to school. When i came home we were on are way to the hospital around 5 20 when we got there at 5:35 it was to late my mom had passed away at 5:30 i went over to her bed and kissed her head and layed on her chest and said my goodbyes.

© Jackie

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