
Ways of Coping with Mother's Day
Source: Motherless Daughters Day

For those who have lost loved ones, holidays can be particularly difficult. For those who have lost a mother, Mother's Day can be an especially difficult day, without the mother to share the day. The words of Johnetta Cole, to me are encouraging, "I seem to be her daughter, in increasingly profound ways." We hope to help encourage the finding of ways those profound ways.


As is each person's loss unique, so too are their ways of healing. For some, there is comfort in groups, or with families. For others, there is comfort in solitude and the stillness in remembering. These are just a few suggestions, which may or may not work for you, but we hope will inspire you to find some that do.

  • Develop a new ritual and Celebrate Motherless Daughter's Day - In 1996 Motherless Daughters sponsored the first Motherless Daughter Day Luncheon on Mother's Day, for women who had lost their mothers to gather and to honor their mothers and celebrate their lives. For more information, check with your local Motherless Daughters group:

  • Find a support group or people you can share your feelings with and talk about the deceased patent. Friends may not understand why, so it is often helpful to share the feelings with those who have been through a similar experience. Check with Motherless Daughters, or Mom's Halo for resources.

  • Participate in The Kindness Project - This project encourages people to perform a random act of kindness to honor your loved one. A good suggestion for those trying to find ways to remember:

  • Remember and honor your loved one by planting flowers, or a tree, lighting a candle, creating a remembrance ceremony, a cybermemorial. (See our Ways of Remembering Section for other suggestions)

  • Spend the day doing something that you used to enjoy together (if not too painful) -- cooking, gardening, shopping.

  • Take some quiet time to remember. Go for a long walk with a special verse or poem.

  • Create a book of memories, with old photos and letters or spend the day remembering.

  • Spend the day with family, brother's a sisters remembering Mom.
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